sexta-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2019


Poets are a mix of artist and composer. Their pens are driven by their hearts as well as their heads. Well written poems can inspire you. They can also make you think, laugh or cry. the book The Need for Words, by Partsy Rodenburg, says: "Poetry is nothing more than words organized to make a loud and sudden impact. This is partly the reason why great poems. . . are unforgettable in every way. "
Beautiful poetry is rarely the work of a shallow mind. Poetry has a long association with what matters most in life—relationships, love, spirituality, nature, and the meaning of life. It comes as no surprise, therefore, that poetry is one of the oldest art forms. Comparing poetry with prose (ordinary written language), one famous poet said that if both described the same thing and were equally well written, “the verse will be read a hundred times where the prose is read once.”

As you may have noticed, however, poetry takes many different forms. It may rhyme, or it may not. Sometimes it even seems to border on prose. So, what exactly is poetry?

Not dependent on rhyme, Japanese haiku is famous for combining beauty of thought with astonishing brevity. It packs its thoughts into just three lines comprising 17 syllables—5 in the first and third lines and  7 in the second. * Its beauty and simplicity have made haiku an enjoyable introduction to poetry for many, even kindergartners.

Traditionally, poetry is renowned for compressing considerable thought into few words. The language of poetry is packed under pressure, and the meaning of a single word may trigger the thought, letting the entire poem explode in your imagination.” Of course, you may have to read some poems a number of times before they “detonate” in your mind, allowing you to grasp their sense.

In time, you may even be able to write poetry for the enjoyment of family and friends. Why not try putting your thoughts into verse when you send someone a get-well or thank-you card? Your poem need not be long or brilliant. Just write a few lines expressing what is in your heart. The challenge will not only give you pleasure and a sense of satisfaction but no doubt delight the receiver when he or she sees the effort you went to in composing your thoughts in such an imaginative and heartfelt way.

You do not have to be a genius with words to enjoy writing poetry, any more than you have to be a great chef to enjoy preparing a meal. Mix equal amounts of desire, imagination, effort, and persistence with the latent bard in you, and the paintings with words that you produce may give you a pleasant surprise.

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