domingo, 3 de fevereiro de 2019


As a dancer I dance death
 And I commend the rebirth
Of a new day
Of a new dawn.

As a dancer I dance the rebirth
And in silence I pray for peace.
Of a new day
In a new dawn
Suit and eternal.

Ah! I as a dancer I dance the renaissance
Of rivers, lakes, seas, waterfalls ...
Waters that bathe me
Day after day
In the morning and in the afternoon
With Moon, no moon
crescent, full, decreasing, waning
Dance until the sun goes down
And that moon appears in the sky
Accompanied by naked stars.

And so I will be eternally grateful
by the dawn and the winds
What surrounds me
Leaving me always a dancer
Of this passing life that in chorus exclaim:
Of all who accompany my days!
Sérgio Gaiafi's poem

Sérgio Gaiafi

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