sábado, 9 de março de 2019


Do not know! Do not know! I just know that I do not blame myself 
I think of what I was, what I am and I will be ...
I am the same wanderer;
I have not abandoned luck or death ... I am ...
Steps that walk every day
Through the roads of destiny, coming and going!
In the mad eagerness to arrive, where?
In any place ... without you! we!
I am a feather that slightly oscillates;
I fall and I rise, I am myself, life!
Sometimes broken, now divided!
I am the prelude to the colors of a rainbow in the sky;
A syllabic metaphor trying to find ...
Far-away phrases, heralds!
I come and go, shuttle!
Rotate between worlds, parallel!
I change the contained luck, paradox!
I do not know! Do not know!

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