terça-feira, 5 de março de 2019


I am what they call me lost;
I am what life has abused;
I am the twilight of gloomy darkness;
I am crucified by blood;
I am the cup you do not want to hear;
I am suffering in a vale of tears ...

Ah! I should leave for the south of the north;
Walk among thorns that burn me in the flesh that they eat;
At the banquet of the lasciviousness of dream illusions;
Killing brutally at the impelling of the Holy Sacrament!

I am the veil that wears the moon sky;
The one who silently screams what he sees ...
I am the stream in tears ...
I am the reason of all vanity ...
Something I do not deserve to have in me ... I vent ...

In life I am in the midst of the painful deaths;
Someone who hovers in the void of fate;
Cry that strips this life;
Because I do not know where I'm going ...

Maybe I'm satisfied ...
For the moment that they stone me;
Kill me, do not take away the thought: I am!

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