quarta-feira, 10 de julho de 2019


Cordial greetings!

How sad I am in this valley of tears that has made my life since my sister disenchanted on October 18, 2017.

I live trying to overcome with professional help because it becomes necessary to continue a treatment for decades begun. I no longer have the strength to live to suffer for something I have not done and for the false testimony caused by those who have become tormentors of my person.

I can not allow the property of which I live to be morally deprived by the family. Oh my God, I do not know the reason for such hatred, a sister-in-law who has been a belligerent among all of us since 2008, now I'm just a hostage of the family who wants to sell the immaterial property because of my sister-in-law who should partly pay for the damages, how much incongruity!

Every day I wake up with an unusual event, family who enter the house when I go to the doctor, steal material objects! I do not know how long I can endure such sordidness, I do not know!

All that I am going through is the result of ignorance and I can not allow a sister-in-law without honesty to supplant hatred over a shared property.

I cry help not to die of the fatigue I have encountered for some time.


Sérgio Gaiafi

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