quarta-feira, 21 de agosto de 2019


To talk about my fears, I had to take a deep dive, take them out and shyly expose them, as if trying to resign our souls to this vortex of feelings, sometimes invisible to the eyes of others.
But talking about fears is like detoxifying the soul of wounds, the desires of unfulfilled desires, low self-esteem, the silent cry of the night, the memories that tell me about you and the immense desire that I passed for your love, yes I traveled to come back, the tears I cried unintentionally wetting my face ...
Fear of conscious sleep to forget sleep and not dream of the illusion of the sweet speech of desire that sometimes tries to distort reality, but I open my eyes and see that everything is different because they only know how to love and desire who is alone. ...
Fear of winding roads where you usually walk without seeing the horizon ...
Fear of the unknown, when talking about the other part of life, uncertainties and I jumped for a long time without an answer.
For all this I need to find the loneliness to know if this fear of loving again is still mine alone, because if this fear of loving again is still mine alone, because if I could choose today, I would not have loved so much ...
Fear of silence and the sad and cold night saw me cry again until I fell asleep ...
Fortunately, another day is coming, bringing the dawn!
For me to talk about my fears

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