quarta-feira, 21 de agosto de 2019


I always wonder why the night is not just for sleep? It would be normal for the rest of the body and mind, but as the poet said: "Night is the mother of thoughts and silence brings us all the memories of the past, good and bad times, love lived and not lived., The Desired love, the cruel and special love, the dreamy and unhappy love, the lost and dearest love, the gentle peace buried and never forgotten by those who promise to die for love ... "
The night reminds me of the frustrated passions, the drowning, the rejected passions, the misunderstood, the tender passions lost in time. Night brings the fear of human fragility, the fear of loneliness, brings the cold of tormented and uninhabited hearts.
The cold of the night leads us to read a book, where inside it, you are there, somewhere ... some page, any suggestion, any suggestion even from the past ...
Calm night with rain and wet roads, melancholy behind the reflection of the lights on the asphalt, the dark dew of the glass, the desire for warmth, the friendly hug, holding hands to warm, the eye needlessly tell us nothing.
If it's hot in summer, it brings us the scent of flowers, the desire to see the starry sky, the changing stars, the full moon, the majestic rising from the clouds to purify luxury, to love, to walk and breathe all this beauty, to embrace. The nature of finding friends to dance with and discovering that while all life is wonderful, so wonderful, we remember lived moments, moments that are often divided by problems, pursuits, victories and stories that tell us ear. leading us to tears followed by smiles, hugs with so many emotions that leave marks on body and heart.
But the night leaves marks on the faces of those who have cried too much, looking for a safe haven for shelter, a heart to settle on.
When our tiredness is finally over and our body is inactive, come dreams that remind us of things that are inactive in memory, which we keep there because we don't want to remember or suffer, but why remember that? Is it worth dreaming? Because you live in dreams, you live in anticipation, you live in love.

Lucia Gaiafi (In Memoriam)

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